Fake spiders drop into frame from above. A man dressed in hunting clothes walks through a false forest. Two young boys sit in the trees dangling pretend bugs in the man’s face. He recoils in exaggerated horror. A boy and girl lie on the floor laughing. They pull a toy frog on a string and a kitten chases it. Freeze frame of the kittens face. Frame fills up with many toy bugs. Close up on spider. Open box of Mattel’s ‘Creepy Crawlers’ toy set. Close up of hand putting plug in wall socket. Close up of plastic pouring into spider mold. Children jumping around. Two children stand behind a stall with a ‘ Creepy Crawlers’ sign above them. Two sets of childrens’ closed fists. They open their fists to reveal creepy crawler toys inside. Children passing a toy bug one to another. A little girl puts the bug in her hair. She bends down. A girl behind her wears jewelery made of bugs.