Clip is a kind of infomercial, recapping the 1976 “Interchic,” an event in West Berlin that showcased the latest and best in new clothes for those in the fashion industry - buyers, retailers, boutiques, reporters, department stores, magazines, etc. 

The narrator says that reporters, buyers, and other experts noted that casual and comfortable would dominate the fashion scene in the coming fall and winter of ’76.

The narrator also says 500 fashion houses were on hand at the event to put their most elegant foot forward and to compete for the big orders from boutiques and department stores all over Europe and overseas.

In great demand, the narrator continues, were slinky jumpsuits, matching tunics and coats, camel hair, and black velour. The glove also seemed popular, especially in the ready-to-wear category. Collections were shown all over town like, for instance, at a salon of one of Berlin’s top designers.

The clip ends with a night shot of Berlin. The narrator tells us that a gallery reception, presumably in relation to “Interchic,” was hosted by the city of Berlin in honor of fashion, one of its leading industries.