Clip is recap of the 12th Boy Scout World Jamboree in 1967, which hosted more than 14,000 scouts from around the world. 

Begins with a shot of a sign of the World Jamboree, which took place in Idaho. A vast field is covered with tents. 

A large group of boys swim in a lake or stand on a floating pier, ready to dive in. 

Scouts participate in a game, where each scouts seeks out other scouts from other countries - their "letter partners" - to spell the word "friendship." This game was used to get the scouts acquainted with each other quickly. Static shot of scouts posing for the camera; each scout carries a letter to spell out "friendship." 

A scout acts as a chef, serving cups of soup to his fellow jamboree attendees. 

After their meals, the scouts attend different events, like watching the scouts from Thailand perform a native dance that uses mock swords. Other scouts head to the archery range to shoot arrows with bows. Yet other scouts attend a wildlife conservation seminar. A teacher holds a golden eagle on his glove while the eagle flaps its wings and crows for or screeches at the camera. 

In the final scene, scouts sit in a circle with their new friends, and take souvenirs and memories back to their home countries, as the narrator notes.