Clip is ‘80s b-roll of an American hospital.

Begins with a tracking shot of a sign that reads “Emergency” as well as a tracking shot of a hospital’s exterior. A car pulls in to the hospital’s driveway.

People enter the hospital, walking to an area for information or to check-in. Nurses and doctors are busy in an office-like area of the hospital. A black man, a doctor, is on the phone, and two women are using computers.

A nurse and child walk down a wide and empty hallway in the hospital. People sit in a waiting room, looking bored, keeping quiet and busy, and reading.

Several women are browsing in the hospital’s gift store. Many shelves hold stuffed dolls. One woman walks to the cashier with a stuffed animal dog.

A nurse turns over a patient’s pillow so as to “puff it up.” The patient is sitting up in his bed, reading a magazine. The nurse then takes the man’s pulse.

A pharmacist is talking on the phone in the hospital’s pharmacy. Several pharmacists are working in the background.

Two women, possibly scientists or PhDs, work in the hospital’s lab. Perhaps they are conducting some kind of research, or testing samples taken from patients.

Several people are shopping for food in the hospital’s cafeteria.

A pregnant black woman wears a blue smock and is seated up in her hospital bed. A nurse uses a stethoscope to listen to the woman's unborn baby’s movement or pulse.

Another pregnant woman, whose stomach is exposed, is receiving a sonogram from hospital staff. A device is being carefully moved over the pregnant woman’s belly, which is covered by a jelly-like substance, similar to Vaeline. The staff view a nearby monitor, looking at the information that the device is picking up. The very faint outline of a fetus is seen on the monitor. The female staff member seems to be explaining to the pregnant woman what they are viewing on the monitor.

Yet another woman is caring for her newborn baby, which she is holding as she sits in her hospital bed. The woman’s husband and two boys are nearby, and the husband takes the opportunity to hold the newborn, too, before returning it to its new mother.

A number of babies are in the hospital’s nursery. A nurse removes one of the babies from its bassinet to straighten out the bassinet’s blanket.

A physical therapist helps a middle-aged man stand up from his wheelchair. The man is then given the opportunity to walk while bracing himself on parallel bars, which keep him from falling. The middle-aged man’s left foot is bandaged and was probably sprained or broken.

Doctors, who are wearing scrubs, hair pieces, and face masks, are performing surgery in an operating room. One staff member hands the doctor an instrument before he proceeds with the surgery. X-rays are seen on the wall behind the doctor, who is African-American.

The hospital’s exterior is seen during early evening.

Doctors are leaning against a counter, perhaps writing reports or prescriptions after checking in with patients. Each doctor has a stethoscope hanging from their neck.