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This educational clip -- part 3 of 3 -- was made by Cornell University’s Entomology Department in the 1950s and shows the different pests that destroy or harm food, vegetation. 

Clip begins with a close-up of a group of tiny, black, spider-like pests walking on a leaf.

There is then a close-up of a hand using a pocket knife to cut into a plant’s root. The root is then peeled back to reveal a larvae-like worm inside. The person then probes the worm with the knife, provoking the worm to move. The person then covers the plant’s cut root with what appears to be fresh dirt, perhaps to encourage the plant to heal, grow, and flourish.

A man -- perhaps a farmer, botanist, or entomologist -- reviews several sprayers that are likely filled with pesticide, checking if they work. He then sprays nearby plants with each sprayer. 

The clip ends with two title cards. The first says to be on the alert for insects, that we are in a war with them because we humans need the food that these insects consume. The second card says that, "Food Will Win the War and Write the Peace," which is a quote from Claude R. Wickard. Wickard was the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture under President Roosevelt from 1940 to 1945.