Here's clip 3 of 3 of the Pacific Stock Exchange on Pine Street in downtown San Francisco, circa late 1960s to early 1970s. Some highlights from the clip follow.
Begins with a close-up of a trader on the phone.
Two traders -- one asian, the other off camera -- chat jovially. A man smoking a cigarette joins the traders to listen in.
Large panels of stock market tickers line several walls. Various men work at computers and speak on phones. One man smokes a cigarette as he works.
Several men wearing oxford shirts and ties stand and speak on phones.
Traders stand or sit at long desk areas. Three orange-lighted ticker panels are on a wall. A wide shot of the stock exchange is seen from a high angle.
We see a close-up of a computer monitor displaying green text. We also see a close-up of a running ticker; info for IBM’s stock is shown briefly before moving screen left.
We see a close-up of a trader’s hand, playing with a pencil, as the trader talks on the phone. His hand then grabs a paper to take some notes.
A stack of what appears to be US Treasury notes are on a trader's desk.
A man eats an ice cream cone.