Begins with MCU of people placing money into a bucket. Cuts to MS of a man at a podium, many people are sitting around him and camera crews are visible in BG. Cuts to CU of people placing money into a bucket. Cuts to MCU of an arm passing a bucket over peoples’ heads, someone places money inside. Cuts to MS of people around a television screen with Jesse Jackson on it. Cuts to CU of Jackson on TV screen. Cuts to MS of Jackson sitting next to a 7 news logo in BG, audience members and a host’s back in FG. Cuts to CU of Jackson adjusting in his seat and speaking. Cuts to MCU of Jackson at a podium with many microphones, zoom out to WS of people passing by in FG, other people are sitting and listening. Cuts to MS of people sitting at a table, behind them is a banner reading: ‘Black Health Professionals Support Jesse Jackson’, PAN to Jackson speaking at a podium with many microphones. Cuts to CU of Arnold Pinkney being interviewed. Cuts to MCU of Jackson speaking into microphones, a light from a camera flashes on his face. Cuts to MS zoom in of people clapping in unison on a balcony. Cuts to MCU PAN of people sitting in pews clapping. Cuts to CU of Pinkney being interviewed. Cuts to MS TRACK of Jackson with police in front and people behind him walking down the sidewalk. Cuts to MS of many people walking through sidewalk. Cuts to MCU of a young girl hugging Jackson. Cuts to 2 men and a woman smiling out of their windows. Cuts to MCU facing up of Jackson and another man laughing.