This clip is about the importance and creation of motion pictures. It starts with a projector running, then we see a montage of images as the VO describes the things we can see with the help of film; images include: Polynesian dancers in WS, palm trees in WS, WS of the pyramids in BG with an airplane in FG, a LS of a volcano, a MS of the volcano, someone being crowned in MS, the Hindenberg disaster in LS, tanks in war going by in LS, the U.S. Capitol building in WS, FDR in MS, a scientist in a laboratory in MS, images of industry in WS, a MS grocery store scene, a movie playing in a theater, and then a family watching a home movie on a projector in their living room. Next we learn about how film works. There are a few freeze frames on the home movie the family is watching. Next comes a demonstration of a two-sided card, one with a bird, the other with a cage, to show how the illusion of moving film works. Next we see a woman in MS on a nickelodeon, then a CU of the machinery, then an ECU of the cards going by, Cut to a MS of a cartoon animator, then a CU of him drawing, then an ECU of his drawing to illustrate the animation of his character. Then a shot of a projector in MS. Following is a CU of the projector as the narrator discusses the important parts of the machine. ECU of the front. The clip ends as the projector is spun around.