This clip features is on the beginning of the Cold War, featuring in particular Richard Nixon, Nikita Khrushchev. and President Eisenhower. Open on WS of heads of state at a round table, then cut to a map of Germany with Frankfort and Berlin labeled. The map is divided into “WESTERN ZONES” and “SOVIET ZONE”. In WS, the top of a submarine emerges from the ice. In LS most of the submarine is above the ice with people walking atop it. In an aerial shot, a missile is ejected from a ship. LS of a shuttle taking off for space. LS outside of a gated house in Geneva, then a CU of a sign that identifies it as “VILLA GRETA”. Cut to a zoom in to the entrance of the house, where men walk out of the building from a meeting. MS of the men shaking hands. WS zoom in of Vice President Nixon and his wife disembarking a plane MS of him shaking hands, then MCU of him waving at people. MS of Khrushchev from above, then a MS of him in front of an exhibit. MS of Nixon and Khrushchev shaking hands, appears to be from a telecast earlier in the year. MS of Eisenhower walking into a gated building, then a MCU of him speaking at a podium.