This clip depicts a childhood nightmare of Freud’s, played out in dramatization, with an actor playing Freud narrating the dream. LS of a bed in the middle of a room. Blurry shot of people carrying something in the room. Shot comes in focus, it is unclear what this person carrying the front of the object looks like. Surreal shots continue, then CU of a bird’s head, looks vaguely like an eagle. Rapid zoom in on an old woman in bed. She opens her eyes. Dissolve to Freud in MWS, with his cane, in the middle of the dark. He says that this was a dream he had when he was a child. The camera moves in on him, he stands by the posts of this bed. H reviews the dream, and we see the birds carrying the large object on their shoulders in focus. He discusses seeing pictures of Egyptian gods and funeral rites. CU camera movement over the old woman lying in bed, cut to an overhead WS of the bed, zoom in to her face. MS of Freud in FG, bed and Egyptian bird gods in BG. He interprets the dream about being about a fear of his mother’s death. CU on Freud’s face. Now we see that a body is being carried by the bird people, Freud’s father or grandfather. The birds turn in BG behind railing of footboard of the bed in FG.