This clip shows a sleep test (dramatized) of a sleeping boy, and shows the wavy lines of an electroencephalograph. CU of a hand operating something on a big machine full of dials and switches. Camera zooms out, shows the scientist in MS at this machine. MS of the scientist coming up to a boy in bed, he begins to put some wires on the boy’s head. CU of a small input box; the scientist inserts a wire into one of the holes. CU of the boys face as he has more wires taped on. Back to a CU of the box, then a dissolve to a CU of a jar of some gel material. CU of the scientist putting it on the boy’s hairline, then ECU of this action. MWS of the scientist tucking the boy in for sleep. The scientist turns out the light; brief shot of the overhead light turning off. CU of a machine with pens making wavy lines, slight zoom in (EEG). Shot of the doctor looking at these lines, then a CU of the pens making the lines on paper. MS of the boy asleep in bed. CU of the lines on the paper, brief shot of the boy, then CU of the scientist adjusting his glasses. Back to a MS of the boy sleeping, then cut to a CU of the boy’s foot. the scientist tickles the foot, and the boy moves. CU of the wavy lines again, then cut to a MS with zoom in of the boy to his head as he lay asleep. Dissolve to MS of the boy and the scientist examining the sleep lines. CU of the boy looking down.