Clip of a peep show in which a woman undresses for another woman, who is a casting manager. Open on a MS of a plaque on a desk that says “Casting Mgr”, camera moves right to show a woman picking up a phone. Camera moves down to show her exposed leg. MCU of the woman, she looks at the camera several times and smiles. MWS of her at the desk, she puts her feet down as another woman enters. MCU of this blonde woman, cut to the woman at the desk with dark hair. CU of the blonde woman showing off her legs; crosses and uncrosses them. MWS of the two at the desk. The blonde woman stands up and starts undressing. Cut to a MS as she removes more clothing. Cut again as she sits and removes her stockings. She stands, and the camera cuts back to MWS of the pair as she removes her panties, sitting back down in full nude.