This clip is from the test flight of the plane the Hercules, also known as the Spruce Goose. It begins with a WS of the plane. Cuts to a shot of the nose of the plane. Cuts to a shot of the four propellers that is on each wing. Cuts to a shot of Howard Hughes. A shot of the wing of the plane. A shot of the inside of the plane. A wide shot of the plane as it sits in the water. Cuts to an aerial shot looking down at the plane. Cuts to Howard Hughes checking switches. Cuts to Howard Hughes sitting down at in the pilot seat in the cock pit. Cuts to a shot of a crowd of spectators watching. Cuts to a shot of the plane moving in the water. A shot of a camera man taking footage of the plane. A shot of Hughes at the wheel. Various shots of the plane approaching take off speed. Cuts to a camera man shooting footage. A shot of the plane flying just a couple of feet above the water and then lowering to the water again.