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Various home movie segments.Long shot of two older women stand side by side in entryway of brick building at the top of some stairs. Cuts to long shot in same location with six older women standing in same place. Medium shot at similar location of two older women, one wearing a hat with matching brown dress suit and green collar and sleeves. Long shot of three women from first site looking at camera, two wearing hats and one in a purple sweater. Cuts to a long group shot of entryway and a group of fifteen or so elderly women in dresses and many in hats. Medium-long shot in same location with a woman holding a baby with a man and other woman next to her in the background. Camera pans over to a man holding a baby with a couple other adults behind them. They stand and pose for the camera. Another small baby and boy are in the shot. Cuts to a landscape shot of a field in the foreground with a small town/city in the mid-ground and mountains in the background. The camera pans around. Another landscape shot of a dirt road in a field with a kite flying. To a medium shot of poppies swaying in the breeze in a field. Then a grove of trees absent of leaves. Closes with exterior of a yellow house with palm trees followed by a large brick church.