Opens with shot of Little Rock Central High School in Arkansas. Arkansas National Guardsmen, under orders of Governor Faubus, stand outside to prevent nine African American students from attending class. The African American students are escorted away from the school among photographers/reporters and white students. President Eisenhower signs Civil Rights Act of 1957 at desk in White House. Clips of National Guard soldiers scattered around school—sitting in grass, on stairs, on sidewalk. Eisenhower and Faubus meet at Newport, then Faubus speaks to press. Two women escort crying girl from school. Police push back and beat rioting white crowd. Military vehicles drive along highway late in the night. Shot of armed 101st Airborne Division soldiers lined up outside length of school. A soldier opens car door for a black student. The African American students ascend stairs to school entrance, watched by white students and soldiers. Grave faced troops, wielding bayoneted rifles, force crowds back. White students gather around tree to beat a hanging dummy (representing a black student) until a soldier yanks it down. More shots of soldiers and crowds. Clip of Eisenhower promising soldiers will stay until peace and order can be maintained. Ends with shot of lone soldier walking and keeping vigil outside school.