This footage was taken at the San Francisco Trips Festival held at Longshoremen’s Hall in January 1966.
Neon sculpture in shape of 3-dimensional star in pink, blue and green. It moves around a little bit and is spliced/laid under a flashing women’s faces sometimes distorted in different colors. The star is laid over a close up shot of a man with glasses and then a woman smoking a cigarette. Blurry footage of people and forms are laid over or under the star which continually moves and is seen from different angles. One sees another neon star sculpture in slightly different colors from more of a distance. This star is placed over or under blurry and often dark footage of people and parties with bright colors. One shot includes a yellow room with a large overhanging lamp cutting to different people’s faces blurry and tinted with color. Changes to different colors in the star and it rotates and changes form.
Spiral images begin to appear in same space as star over the footage of people and such. The star becomes more and more out of focus. Text flashes onto screen-yellow type- difficult to read and off center. It reads, “The contracting protoplasm of unicellular organisms receives its stimulation di-rectly from the outside.” Then laid under the footage of the neon star is what appears to be footage looking through a microscope at what looks like amoeba or possibly mitosis in reverse. One can now see that this has been footage of a film being projected onto a screen. A silhouette of a man’s form is on the screen with a golden yellow background. Again text: “Among higher animals in human beings stimuli from the outside world are transmitted in a more complicated manner.” Then, “In the process of evolution unicellular organisms become multicellular.” Clip ends with star overlaid a man with a mustache and a hat on.