This clip contains footage of Churchill and his wife seated with FDR, and a speech by Churchill at the Canadian parliament.Begins with Churchill, smoking a cigar, entering a car. He removes his hat as a greeting to the crowd around him. WS of a castle, flags at the top wave in the wind. A soldier fires a cannon. Pan of Churchill and his wife, Clementine, FDR and another man seated outside near water. Cuts to cars arriving in front of a crowd. Churchill exits smoking a cigar, he takes off his hat and greets the crowd, he flashes the peace sign. Cuts to Int. of Canada’s parliament building, Churchill stands at the front while men sit all around him. Churchill delivers a speech, he states, “We shall never descend to the German and Japanese level, but if anybody likes to play rough, we can play rough too.” He goes on to discuss his talks with FDR and “fighting in unity together... the total and final extirpation of the Hitler tyranny, Japanese frenzy and Mussolini flop.” WS PAN of parliament.