Fashions on Parade ‘The Look-Again Look’. 2 women walk into a decorated room in button down gowns. The 2 open a McCall’s magazine to 2 models posing. Cuts to 2 women posing, they smile at each other. The 2 walk past a woman seated on a wooden chair who looks at them and smiles. Centerfold of a woman in a green gown wearing circular glasses. Cuts to a woman wearing them. A woman sits pool side with a Pan-Am bag, a hand reaches over and puts sunscreen on her back. Magazine ad of women’s backs. Cuts to a barebacked model with flowers in her hair. The woman is then in a black dress with an open back and smoking a cigarette. The girls flip the magazine page to a picture of a woman with her hands on the back of a man. Cuts to a woman with long nails caressing the back of a man’s head. Turn the page to a woman with a plunging bra and a woman in a black dress with a plunging neckline. Cuts to a model wearing the bra. She then wears the plunging neck gown, zoom out and PAN down her legs. Cuts to a blonde woman in a white sweater, she stretches and then lays on a lawn chair.