Animation. Clip begins with shadow of girl in pigtails in front of small television and a crackerjack box flying past it. She opens up the refrigerator and finds vegetables: tomato, carrots, cucumber, and corn. CU of her face saying “oh”. Cucumber flies at the girl and takes her shirt off. The pear, cucumber, carrot and corn chase after the naked girl. She runs for help. Tomato begins licking her nipple. The vegetables are on top of her naked body on the floor. The pickle is tickling her foot, the carrot is in her vagina. There is a football player on television wearing a shirt that says “69” with a throbbing erection. The corn is pulling on her hair. The football player steps out of the television. The words “splat” “squish” “ooooh” appear on the screen continuously. Silhouette of the girl and guy on the couch naked, in front of television on couch. She kisses him and he forms an erection. Cu of his face smiling. She performs oral sex. He ejaculates, and with his ejaculation spells “The End”.