Shot of chimpanzee in hat talking. Dubbed boy voices talking. Cut to shot of two monkeys on step with dog. Walk off. Cut to long shot of monkeys walking down street with dog. Shot of teacher monkey at desk. Cut to shot of monkey students. Shots back and forth between teacher and students as he calls attendance. Shot of two monkeys getting in late. Called up to teacher. Shot of monkeys making excuses. Cut to picture of monkey george washington. Close up of him winking. Back to teacher and monkeys. George washington monkey watches. Monkeys go back to their seats. One raises hand. Teacher tells him to leave, shot of monkey leaving. Medium close up of monkey going to water fountain. Water turns on high power and shoots him out of frame. Medium shot of him jumping off. Back in classroom, monkey runs back in. Shot of teacher. Shot of classroom. Close up teacher puts cigarette in mouth.