Shot of woman getting into cable car, pedestrian crosses street in foreground, another car drives by. Shot looking down at cars from high up on street. Shot of cable car driving down street, “No Left Turn” sign in foreground. Pedestrian crosses street after cable car goes by. Cars drive by. Shot of traffic light. Shot of cars driving down hill. Shot of traffic light. Shot looking up hill, woman crosses top of street. Closer view of man crossing top of street. Long shot of apartment building, tilts up to rooftop. Long shot of rooftops and buildings with three flags on top. Long shot of building. Various close and medium shots of apartment buildings. Shot of Street with California sign. LS of City Hall. Car drives by. Shot of people sitting on grass. Shot of people on grass, sign of Hyde Street in foreground. Cars pass by. Street level LS of Victorian houses, laundry lines. Close up shot of laundry line.