Film about Dr. King's messages. Clip opens with shot of Dr. King and a his son, Martin Luther King III. A man talks about what Dr. King says we should do when temped to talk about other people. A mime stands by a tree. Two boys (approx. 7-8 years old) sit on a ledge by a pool of water. One boy gets off the ledge and runs over to the mime. The mime leans down and whispers into the boys ear and points to the other boy. First boy runs back to other boy and whispers into his ear and points. Other boy laughs and runs off to third boy sitting on the steps. Second boy whispers into third boy's ear. Third boy runs over to fourth boy and whispers into his ear. Fourth boy runs up some steps and rings a door bell. A mime opens the door. The fourth boy whispers into the mime's ear. The narrator discusses Dr. King's sermon, "Judging Others.