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This '60s clip shows San Francisco's Tenderloin neighborhood at night. It includes shots of people hanging out on the street. 

Begins with a pan shot of an intersection at Jones Street. There is light traffic and people are walking about. The Downtown Bowl's neon marquee blinks, suggesting that the Bowl is open for business.

A woman leans against a pole for Jones Street; it looks like she's waiting for someone, perhaps for a customer. Behind her is a grocery-liquor store. Beyond the store, there's a sign for the Hotel Roosevelt. 

Street signs for the intersection of Eddy and Jones as well as for the intersection of Turk and Jones are shown. 

A man with a trench coat and fedora hat stands at a corner of Turk Street and Jones Street. He lights himself a cigarette. Next to the man is a parking lot with a neon sign that reads "PARKING" and a red traffic light.