Footage focuses on Bay Area cartoonist Dan O’Neill, who was sued by Disney for publishing his cartoons of Mickey Mouse. 

The clip begins with two young men showing their support for O’Neill's cause in front of the United States District Court in San Francisco. Both men wear Mickey Mouse hats. Both men also wear signs made of cardboard. The signs read: “DISNEY GOTS NO SENSE OF HUMOR!”; “FREEDOM OF THE PRESS INCLUDES MICKEY MOUSE”; “SCREW THIS MICKEY MOUSE JUSTICE”; and “UNCLE MALTIE UNFAIR.” Further, both men are sharing and smoking a joint.

The cover of The CoEvolution Quaterly is shown; it has a black and white cover of an unborn fetus. This is issue No. 21, Spring 1979. Mickey Mouse cartoons drawn by O’Neill are then shown from this issue of the Quarterly.

Stewart Brand and Dan O’Neill sit together at a table during a press conference.

The clip ends with O’Neill and his attorneys walking to and boarding an elevator within the above US District Court, which is located at 450 Golden Gate Avenue near Polk Street.