In San Jose library: a woman write, people read books and newspapers. People play chess at the library. Close up of people playing chess, close up of the chessboard and of the players moving the soldiers. People stand near bookcases and read. A shot of a woman reading a magazine with a title on it: “Eating”. A bird’s eye view shot of a crowd gathering near the city hall. On the stage there is a man speaking to the crowd. Low angel of the speaking man. A shot of eight boys and girls wearing a traditional Mexican clothes and sombreros. A shot of a woman in a library office standing behind a counter and speaking with a man. Close up of the woman holding a feedback form titled “Speak Out” and showing the man what is in it. The man fills up the form. Point of view shot behind the counter of the woman serving three more people. Close up of their conversation. A shot from the inside of a radio station, a man speaking to the microphone.