Commercial for Jamaican Tourist Board. We see a woman from behind some ferns. Hands drumming. A goat sits chewing the cud in front of a doorway. A large building seen through an arch. A couple floating on a raft. A beautiful young woman wearing a straw hat. A man water skiing. A woman in sunglasses. Two people being sprayed with water. Young boys swimming. Cocktails. A man serves a tennis ball. A golf ball is struck. A woman rides a laden down donkey. A couple walk beneath a stone arch. A couple laying down in the shade. Military men marching. Plates of food. A bowl of fruit. People dancing. A couple on the beach. A woman carrying a bowl of fruit on her head. A ail boat. A couple being served their food by a waiter. People dancing. A hand reeling a fishing line. A woman smells a flower. A couple swimming. Men making a drum. Musicians. A blast of fire. The wild ocean . A couple sit at he foot of a waterfall. The woman says ‘I love Jamaica’. The word ‘JAMAICA’ scrolls across the screen.