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Commercial for the video game Dig Dug. A group of men and women in uniform sit around the table in a large war room in from of a wall map. Shots of the various people at the table yawning and filing their nails. Game play footage from Dig Dug. The character digs around and avoids monsters. The uniformed officials jump up and point frantically at the table screen. A couple rocks in a love seat on the porch of a rural farm at night. Shot of something moving underground. Shot of scientists at work in a laboratory. The lights flicker and the scientists look surprised. Shot of a car parked in an isolated area. Two lovers in the car look surprised. A man hands the president a newspaper and he looks shocked. A band wearing silver jumpsuits and mining helmets plays for the camera. Continued scenes from earlier and game play footage are inter cut. The underground creatures scare chickens in a coop and pull down corn stalks. Something moves under the porch boards at the farm. The officials in the war room panic. The laboratory shakes. Close ups of a coffee cup shaking and a teapot boiling. The scientists gather around to watch Dig Dug on a television. The hood of the lovers’ car inflates. Later, they get into a telephone booth and a light shines on them. Each group examines mining helmets. Shot of the band playing at a club for an audience. The president falls over in his chair. Game over screen for Dig Dug. Everyone from the commercial gathers in a video arcade and plays Dig Dug.