1940s, 1930s
Intertitle says "Worst U.S. floods." Violent waves slam against a small…
CU of Al Smith and his wife on election day in New York City. WS of…
Men stand in line to enroll in the army. Men sit at tables and…
Franklin D. Roosevelt arrives at an army base in a car to "inspect" the…
MS of a football game between UCLA and Washington State. Aerial of…
President Franklin D. Roosevelt speaks at a podium to a large crowd…
Montage of elegant evening gowns. Women in all types of dresses model…
Footage of Donald Coster's brothers covering their faces while exiting…
A family sits around in a circle in the living room listening to the…
Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill meet in Quebec, Canada…
President Roosevelt speaks to Congress regarding the government's role…
Franklin D. Roosevelt gives a speech to Congress, highlighting proud…