Commercial for Puffs Prints facial tissue; a daughter comes into her mother’s room and shows that her box of Puffs is empty; her mother opens a drawer, revealing a stack of printed facial tissue, and says, “try it: it’s not a Puffs;” daughter rubs the texture, which feels similar to Puffs, then wipes the side of her face and finds that it doesn’t smear; as she uses it all over her face, she claims that “it’s practically smear-proof!, just like Puffs! Where is all the lotion?”, which mother replies that it’s deep in the tissue, and to have her wipe it against the mirror, which there is no smearing; daughter declares that “it’s just like Puffs,” which mother surprises her by validating that notion; “wow!” she exclaims, “you mean Puffs come in these beautiful prints, too?”; voiceover: “yes, they do, in your choice of four decorated colors! Puffs Prints, regular Puffs: both so absorbent, and they’re practically smear-proof!”