Commercial for Kraft Real Mayonnaise; a woman sits at her kitchen counter with a bowl of salad and a jar of Kraft Real Mayonnaise in hand, eyes open wide, and asks the camera, “why do they call it ‘chicken salad’ when it’s the mayonnaise that makes it?”; shot of a dollop of Kraft Real Mayonnaise placed on a salad; a man is about to have a serving of macaroni salad and asks the camera, “and why does macaroni get all the praise when it’s the mayonnaise that makes it?”; another shot of mayonnaise topping a salad, then a zoom shot of the Kraft Real Mayonnaise jar, and shot of a regular egg with the Kraft Real Mayonnaise logo on it, is cracked open to reveal an actual egg; male voiceover: “at Kraft, we’ll go on breaking eggs to make our mayonnaise as rich, thick, and real as mayonnaise can be!”; shot of woman with a sandwich, asking the camera, “why don’t they call it a BLT... and M?”; shot of a jar of mayonnaise, with the Kraft Real Mayonnaise label placed on it; end jingle: “when it’s the mayonnaise that makes it make it Kraft!”