Pan over B/W still of signing of Declaration of Independence. Low angle LS of a bald eagle on a tree branch, it takes off and the camera follows it set against a blue sky with wisps of clouds until it finds another tree. Footage of moon landing: shot from shuttle of moon contact; blurry side view of ship on the moon with “The eagle has landed” sound bite. Still of presidential seal. Gold eagle statue. MS of eagle sitting on branch. A few of them flying next to each other. Low angle of flag pole with eagle on top. Military men carrying the oldest American painting of an eagle in Philadelphia. Shot of Independence Hall. Men carrying painting through doorway. Man carrying a bald eagle that was wounded by a gunshot in a field, a few people around. He throws it in the air and it flies off. Two of them in a cage; man pouring water into a trough for them. A sack being slowly let down on a rope that is tied to the to of a tall tree.