Trailer for “Sounder”. Begins with CU of a black woman, Cicely Tyson, yelling, she runs off screen. Cuts to MS of Tyson running down the stairs of her house. Cuts to a black boy running barefoot, men working in BG. Cuts to WS of a black man, Paul Winfield, limping down a dirt path, a dog walks next to him. Cuts to MCU of Winfield with one crutch limping down the path. Cuts to WS of the dirt path and 2 small houses, Tyson and 2 boys can be seen running. Cuts to MCU of the Winfield limping with the crutch. Cuts back to WS of dirt path, Tyson and the boys continue to run. Cuts to MCU of the Winfield limping faster. Cuts to MCU of Tyson running. Cuts to MCU of Winfield throwing down his crutch and limping towards her. Cuts to MCU of Tyson running and crying. Cuts to MCU of Winfield smiling and limping. Cuts to MCU of Tyson running, they embrace. Cuts to CU of the two holding each other, they kiss, MS of them kissing as one boy runs into the picture. MCU of the other boy hugging Winfield, Tyson comes into the picture, Winfield smiles and puts his hands on the boy. Cuts to MCU of the boys holding onto Winfield, freeze frame. The frame gets smaller and is placed on a black and white painting of the man’s face, the title: “Sounder” appears, a G rating appears.