This clip is of the election results of 1952 in which Eisenhower is voted President. It includes some footage of his opponent Adlai Stevenson and Eisenhower’s trip to Korea during the Korean War.In MS Eisenhower stands in front of a microphone and offers the peace sign/victory sign as he learns that he has won the election for president. MS of Adlai Stevenson at his desk; cut to him in MCU speaking after finding out that he had lost. He tells a story of Lincoln to show how he feels, then he smiles and waves as the audience laughs. President-elect Eisenhower is next shown in Korea shaking hands with South Korean President Syngman Rhee. MCU of Korean Soldiers standing at attention. Eisenhower examines a soldier, then is shown with General Mark Clark. Next, Eisenhower is pulled out of an army truck, then shakes hands with some soldiers. He eats with the soldiers, then is shown speaking before an audience in Korea.