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A man in a superhero outfit walks down the street looking disgruntled. He keeps viewing happy couples in the park kissing. While walking, on benches, before a lake. There are many palm trees in the distance. A man in a white suit in a phonebooth smiles and kisses the phone, leaves the photobooth. The superhero stares at him while he fixes his hair and then trudges onward. He then psychs himself up and saunters into the phonebooth. He picks up the phone and looks through his address book but he has no addresses. He leaves looking sadder than before when a man in drag drops a napkin in front of him. He picks it up and follows the person in drag, who is wearing a bonnet, sunglasses, and a pink dress, but instead of being a number, the napkin is just a used napkin after nose blowing. He watches the person walk off dropping napkins on the ground in the suburbs.