Ford "Miss Teen-America" PSA about fastening seat belts. Shot of young brunette's face smiling and laughing. Words, "Miss Teen America/ Collette Daiute" appear in shot. Shot of young man in jacket and tie walking brunette down the steps of a building to convertible. Shot of young man looking happy as words, "Interested Boyfriend, Trying to Make a Good Impression/ Ford "Miss Teen America" PSA's" appear in shot. Shot of brunette giving young man keys. Shots of young man opening door for brunette and brunette getting into the convertible. CU of brunette fastening her seat belt. Shot of young man opening door and jumping into convertible. CU of young man's hand turning the key in the ignition. CU of young man shrugging shoulders and looking stumped as the car won't start. Shot of brunette shaking her head. Shot of finger pointing to a sign that says, "Fasten your seat belt, BEFORE you start the car." Brunette's voice narrates over these last two shots: "Only a real square would try to start a car without fastening his seat belt." CU of young man fastening his seat belt. Shot of young man trying key again, sound of car starting. Shot of brunette's face smiling as young man narrates, "Wonder how she did that?" Shot of young man and brunette (Miss Teen America) driving away in convertible.