Commercial for John Smith’s Bitter beer; a man is sitting in his easy chair, unaware that his wife is behind him ironing; man: “You know, I’ve never said this before. From the first time I saw you, that night in 3-thirds, I thought you were the loveliest thing I’d ever seen! Well, we’ve been through a lot together since then, but in all those years, there hasn’t been day gone by when I haven’t thought of you, and I said to me-self, ‘Arcright (sp?), you’re a lucky man!’”; he reaches for his glass just as his wife says, “oh, Arcright!”; he turns around, John Smith bitter in hand, and says, “oh hello love: didn’t see you!”, much to the sheer distaste of his wife; male voiceover: “John Smith’s: for incurable romantics!”; ends with shot of a can of John Smith’s and a glass.