Commercial for Uniroyal Tires; football player Major Joe Greene attempts to tackle a Uniroyal tire; Greene: “they say I’m rough; they say I’m mean, but that’s the toughest Steeler I’ve ever seen!”; shot of Uniroyal logo and banner for rebate; male voiceover: “now, that Steeler’s even tougher to beat, during Uniroyal’s $50 rebate blitz! Buy 4 quality Steelers (detail shot of Uniroyal Steeler tire), get $50 back! See your Uniroyal dealer while the blitz is on!”; shot of football player Terry Bradshaw is running away from defenders in a scrimmage; Bradshaw: “you could try a third straight Super Bowl; I’ll just ride myself with 4 tough Steelers!”; shot of Uniroyal logo; voiceover: “Uniroyal’s $50 rebate blitz!”