This is a newsreel that features some labor leader changes, a bicycle tax, and the death of King George VI.Clip opens on a group of men casually seated before a standing man, Philip Murray. Allan Haywood, vice president of the CIO, shakes hands in MS with Walter Reuther, the new president of the Congress of Industrial Organizations. William Green is next shown in MCU, president of the American Federation of Labor. George Meany, the man who took over for Green after his death, is shown in MS seated before a desk with microphones. In the next shot, some kids bike by the camera. This gang of child bicycle riders discuss the new tax on bikes. Two of them are shown in MCU talking about the tax. One boy rides away on a tricycle. In WS, King George VI walks down from a plane as his daughter Elizabeth waves goodbye from the plane before her trip to Africa. The family then waves Elizabeth goodbye from the tarmac. EXT shots of Buckingham Palace, then a shot of Elizabeth coming out of a plane and into a car. She returns because of the death of her father, the king. There is a large funeral procession through gates, with a shot of the new queen’s carriage.