Buster Keaton segment in a haunted house at an amusement park.Text reads “Summer, and an afternoon at the amusement park.” Cut to medium shot of Buster Keaton, black background and match shining brightly on his face. He looks left to right then blows the match out. Long shot of him in a house tip toeing to a door. He opens it to find a skeleton hanging inside the doorway. He is spooked and closes the door quickly then runs across room to another door. He looks at the door behind him, opens it, and a dense fog is emitted from the room he opened the door to. He closes that door and walks in a determined fashion to double doors. He grabs a statuette to protect himself and opens the doors. A large dragon like form comes towards him and he runs away as the doors close behind him. He falls over in fright. He picks himself up, only to fall through a trap door. Exterior shot of the “House of Trouble” where a man tries to attract people passing by. Buster Keaton shoots out of a box next to the vendor onto his butt. Medium-long shot as Buster picks himself up, turns around, and watches as a woman buys a ticket into the haunted house. Back to medium long shot as she walks in, Buster watches her and sits down outside of the building on the curb by the vendor. Medium shot of him on curb looking around in humorous fashion. He stands up and looks at an attractive woman who walks by. Medium shot of her looking over her shoulder in a haute fashion. She walks away. Medium shot of Buster sighing.