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Various clips of families in home movies.Long shot of a white house with deck upon which two older men and an older woman walk towards the railing on the deck. Cut to a dimly lit room in which young girls in formal dresses play in a small orchestra. Medium-long shot, again very dark where the girls stand in a line while camera pans over them. Medium shots of the girls in proper lighting, one by one, as they have their pictures taken. They have the same dress, in different colors, on. Nine girls have their portraits taken. Then an older man in a suit and glasses speaking to the camera. Then an woman in a blue dress with flowers on the chest bows to the camera and laughs. Another medium portrait shot of a smaller man with ears that stick out in a suit. Finishing off the portraits with one then another younger man. Cut to a long exterior shot of three older men walking on grass, one is given a piece of paper which he places in his breast pocket. They walk to the camera creating a medium shot as they converse. Cut to a long shot of three other men in suits in what looks like a residential area walking with name tags on their lapels. Portrait shot of one of those men in glasses and a suit. Then two women and two men in nice clothes walking towards the camera. Cut to one of the women, in a gray suit with white tulle coming from her shirt has a portrait shot in reverse. Cut to a medium shot of a woman holding a small baby swathed in white, ruffled clothing. Segment closes with close up of the baby.