Title card: “The village of San Juan Parangaricutiro.” Trees, mostly pines, in foreground. The Paricutin volcano, mountains, and a cathedral steeple surrounded by ash and congealed lava, are visible in distance. (The village of San Juan Parangaricutiro was buried in lava when the volcano erupted in 1943.) “The 200 year old Sanctuary of Santo Cristo.” Shot of Sanctuary of Santo Cristo. “The volcano from San Juan Parangaricutiro.” Shot of volcano billowing smoke in distance, a row of houses with wood shingles and mud-splattered walls in foreground. “Approaching the volcano.” Closer shot of volcano billowing smoke. “4 miles distant.” An even closer shot of the volcano. “Lake Amatitlan, Favorite Resort near Guatemala City.” Purple flowers sway in breeze in foreground, lake with volcano and mountains in distance. “At Santa Maria de Jesus.” Two women stand on edge of a large, outdoor fountain. One scoops water with a bowl and pours into another hidden container. The other lifts a large jug up and carries it away on top of her head.