Clip shows couples enjoying the company of…
Campaign staffers talking off-screen as Nixon sits in a chair and takes…
CU of Nixon watching tv off-screen. Camera pulls back, Nixon speaks to…
A mental patient walks through a metal gate. Shot of the crowded…
Wide shot of a overcrowded mental institution in Trenton, New Jersey.…
CU of the mental patient playing Dorothea Lynde Dix in a play put on…
A mental patient at St. Elizabeth's hospital in Washington D.C explains…
1970s, 1960s
Interview with Tanzanian President Julius Nyerere. He discusses…
Shots of nature near compound of Tanzanian President Julius Nyerere.…
Interview with Ali Dadi, early-twenties manager of Ujamaa Village near…
Footage of reenactments of a Roman military parade, showing a panning…
Footage of reenactments of Roman life. Medium and close ups of…