A shadow passes around the circumference of a sundial in a timelapse. A…
In a rocky cliff-side, a semi-circle is cut into the rocks with a…
Claymation figures bow down on their knees, praying to the…
The first newsreel depicts a typewriter with a simpler system…
The first newsreel depicts a Navy vs. Army football game. MS of…
1920s, 1910s
Zoom out from a shelf that is holding a few old Thomas Edison…
A young girl sits on the grass with a young boy and reads him a story.…
In San Diego California, David Gordon Hall, a local inventor, has built…
Thomas Edison's tombstone; modern day (1950’s) montage.
Edison being interviewed; receiving award;
beakers; labs; x-ray; 1st camera men; 2 men dancing to phonograph and…