Fade into a MS of Eric at his work table preparing a wedding cake for assembly. Fades into a ECU of the icing being carefully put along the edge of the cake. The cake at various stages of the assembly-- more decorative icing, candy flowers, leaves, and other frills. Eric the cake artist then puts the finished cake he’s worked on, on top of the other cake base, complete with a big ornament on top. Then cuts to a MS of a huge revolving table (resembling a cake itself) with strategically paced cakes all revolving around the big wedding cake. Fades into a CU of the piping tube creating a “cake caricature,” in the shape of a man’s profile-- later reveals a picture of a man on a piano with the words, “Home on the Range.” The next shot is a time lapse of a birds-eye-view of a cake as the artist draws a man wearing a sombrero and holding a guitar. Cuts to the side shot of the cake, as the artist draws various musical notes with colorful icing.