Film taken in a Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborn Inc. Advertising office setting with people dressed in business attire. Clip opens with man carefully lining up different sized bottles and boxes on shallow, closely spaced shelves. (Looks like medicine bottles and boxes.) Another man arranges Vicks Vapor Rub products on a large wire display rack. A Vicks Vapor Rub sign with a large pouting child’s head on it (with a smaller drawing of a mother holding a child underneath) hangs on display. On the street, a man opens a car door and talks to camera man. A man talks on a phone. Camera pans along legs of women sitting on couch (all in high heels, pantyhose, dresses). Camera rises to show that the women on the couch and women standing behind couch are smiling and chatting. Shot of a drawing of a bellhop dancing in a street in front of a trolley car. The face of a man has been cut out from a photo and pasted where a head should be. Text under drawing reads “San Francisco.” Shot of building exterior, then shot of waiting room with receptionist, fancy wood paneling on walls and leather chairs. Four men and a woman gathered behind a desk talk. One of the men suddenly pulls a tangle of loose film reel tape from under the desk to show them. Man next to him gives him a dismissive wave. Shot of surrounding buildings and a body of water from a roof. Another group has a meeting at a desk. Then another shot of surrounding buildings from roof. Panning shot of women working at desks cluttered with file holders, phones, typewriters, papers and binders.