Film taken in a Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborn Inc. Advertising office setting with people dressed in business attire. Man in fedora and overcoat walks down stairs, then another man stops him to hand him a metal tube. Overcoat man opens tube, takes something cylindrical out of it, puts it back and closes tube. Resumes descending stairs with tube in hand. Print ad for Wilson wear hangs on wall. Ad shows man in dress shirt, pants and tie doing various things. Ad text reads, “Do your shirts have all these quality features?” Camera zooms out from print ad to show a man sitting at a desk. He stands and walks to answer phone, revealing that he’s wearing a shirt, tie and jacket, put no pants—only boxers. Shot of many different print ads pinned collage-style onto a wall. Man at water cooler drinks from paper cone cup. Then shot of four men in a room. Two sit at drafting tables, drawing. One man pins print ad drafts on a wall. Another man in a chair looks at a print ad draft. Close up of one of the men quickly sketching out a drawing. Video cuts to two men in suits standing together, wearing strange masks. They turn around to reveal their suits were on backwards, and the masks were on the backs of their heads. A man hands another man some sort of office equipment, then a woman hands him a large “c” cut out of paper. A man sits at a desk behind mounds of papers, notebooks, booklets. A woman comes in to show him a page covered in a sheet protector. Another woman removes a drawer from a desk that says “cash” on back. She wraps a double holster around her waist, pulls a pistol from the holster, blows through barrel, places pistol in cash box, then adjusts holster. Another woman removes a record from a record player, hands it to man at desk who examines the label.