The clip begins with a shirtless black man doing curls in a basement. The camera cuts to a shot of him fully clothed, talking to the camera about his experience with steroids. The next scene is a still of the man’s body from his steroid days. The camera pans up from his feet, showing his swollen bulging muscles. Next is another still of a new mustached man, a Latino named Manny. The voice over discusses Manny’s intentions to better himself. The scene changes to shots of the city Ashton, Ohio. The voice over talks about the dismal outlook for Manny because of his upbringing in Ashton. The camera comes back to the still of Manny, then another still of Manny at age 14, flexing with his shirt off. The voice over discusses Manny’s workout routine with a shot of the YMCA he worked out at, and the scene ends with shots of the high school football field. The voice over says that Manny won best player of the game on that field and later collapsed during a practice.